A note from our CEO, Justin Powell

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I don’t know about you, but it looks to me like the weather might be finally making a turn towards spring. Although this winter was a milder one than past years, it still felt just as long. There is nothing like watching the grass magically go from brown to the vibrant green of spring and the flowers start to bloom. The longer the winter the sweeter the spring.

So what have we been up to here at Huntington? Lots! The long winter hasn’t slowed us down one bit. Like many other businesses spring seems to be one of our busiest seasons. The warm weather gets into people’s blood and they want to build things and go places and buy things. Which means businesses want to advertise and that’s where we come in! As you may know, my sister Jena started working with the company a little over a year ago and has taken over the sales and marketing. She is doing an incredible job.

In March, we went out to Las Vegas to a signage convention to learn all the latest news and techniques for operating billboards better. Lots of really helpful people from around the US with really good information. One of the highlights of the trip was the convention center where our sign conference was also happened to be hosting a pizza convention. Jena and I felt like it was our duty to just check it out for suspicious looking samples. It was a great trip.

Thanks for your support and partnership in this grand adventure. Things have been going well and we’re excited about what the future holds. If you ever have any questions or comments please don’t hesitate to let me know.

Justin Powell
CEO | Huntington Outdoor